function n. 1.功能,官能,机能,作用。 2.〔常 pl.〕职务,职责。 3.庆祝仪式;(盛大的)集会,宴会。 4.【数学】函数;与其他因素有密切关系的事。 The function of the ear is to listen. 耳的功能是听。 the function of education 教育的功能。 discharge one's functions 尽职。 the functions and powers of the National Congress 全国代表大会的职权。 a controllable function【火箭】遥控程序。 public [social] function招待会,文娱晚会,社交集会。 vital functions 生命机能。 vi. (器官等)活动,(机器等)运行,发挥作用。 function as teacher 担任教师。 a sofa functioning as a bed 兼当床用的沙发。 The lathe doesn't function well. 这台车床有毛病。 function digit [letter] 【计算机】操作数码[字码]。
Like the other proceeding activities , procedural defense functions well only when a whole set of scientific mechanism is provided 跟其它诉讼活动一样,程序性辩护也必须具备一整套科学的运行机制才能合理有效地发挥作用。
With time , the infected person s defense function is so much damaged that he develops various infections and cancers and becomes an aids patient 淋巴细胞的白血球,令人体逐渐丧失免疫能力,无法抵抗不同种类的感染和癌症的侵袭,即为之病发。
Mutianyu section of the great wall is of perfect defense functions with parapets and forts set on the upper edge of walls , the outer of which are horse - refraining pits 慕田峪长城墙顶上两边都建有矮墙垛口,外侧挖有挡马坑,防御功能极为完善。
In this article the author explains the value of cross - examination to defense functions , goes into the current situation and problems , and provides constructive suggestions and advice for reforming and improving it 文章分析了交叉询问对辩护职能的价值,对我国刑事诉讼交叉询问的现状、问题进行了探讨,并提出了改革完善我国刑事诉讼交叉询问的建设性意见和建议。